Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blueberries and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Try eating a cup of frozen blueberries a day to reduce inflammation. The proanthocyanins in blueberries naturally reduce inflammation. Reducing inflammation means reducing pain.

Try this:

Anti-inflammatory Smoothie: Eat 1 cup of frozen blueberries daily in “Dr. Nicole’s Smoothie Recipe” (be sure to include the L-glutamine to heal your gut and the flaxseeds for omega 3’s.)

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This website is intended for educational purposes only. Read our full disclaimer. Always work with your physician for proper care and supervision. Never make any changes to your health care without first consulting with your physician. Have your physician check for drug interactions, and always be cautious when combining natural medicines and prescription drugs. Keep in mind that side effects or drug interactions still may occur when using high quantities of blueberries in the diet. If you are taking any medications, ask your doctor first if it is safe for you to be eating therapeutic quantities of blueberries.